There are a huge variations of different enemies and hostile minor factions who will absolutely demolish any new players. Perisno is a difficult mod to start out with. It is extremely dangerous to engage in a proper melee. It is advisable to have a decent ranged weapon (throwing axes are an option since you start with 3 Power Throw and he has no shield), a mount may prove beneficial as well as a lance. Svafar is no joke in the matter of fighting, with 50 points in STR, 96 hp and 10 in Power Strike, not to mention the fact that he has 500 profiency points in every weapon.

Svafar fields Volheree troops as well as Valahir units, normally he fields 250 men, so it is advisable for the player to join either the Maccavia or the Recih to have a chance in capturing him. The player, having lost his honor, has to avenge his raid leader by capturing Aethling Svafar and challenging him to a duel in the prisoner screen. Once you disembark, to your left there is a merchant from wich you can buy supplies, and to your right there is the village elder, speaking to him a 2nd time he will port the player to the desired Perisno capital. However, the starting stats of the raider are really nothing to sneeze at (for example, 6 in power strike), hence it will not be difficult to put the guy down. Just in front of you when the scene starts there is a villager who is not pleased with your cowardice in the raid, thus attacking you. In your ship there is Hyk, who you can recruit as a companion if you speak to him. The player is then presented with the scene of his native island. The expedition, as the texts say, was going quite well, until Aethling Svafar showed up and you and another raider, by the name of Hyk, fled leaving behind your leader who was killed by Svafar. The player is a viking-like raider son of another raider embarking on his first raid against the Valahir. You can choose the raider start by picking the "In an island far to the north" option. These starts, while providing you with unique additions (Unique companion for raider, and significantly better starting gear for Merchant), doesn’t affect the gameplay, and can be chosen at the player’s desire.

The other two starts are slightly different there is one where you become a raider and have to avenge your fallen comrades to regain your honor, and another one where you shipwrecked as a merchant, and must rebuild your finances and career. Like all other Warband mods, you create your own character through several different options offered to you, IF you pick the standard start for your character. 0.8 allows you to have (currently) three different starts for your characters, and removed the “Inheritance” option in character creation.