An optional hint system helps you if you get stuck, but otherwise its just you, your eyes, and the pixels. Read the list at the bottom of the screen, then try and find those objects in the picture above.

Each area is littered with dozens items cleverly hidden amongst the scenery. You must follow clues left in his wake to piece together the mystery behind his disappearance and find the elusive Beetle Temple. Professor Mandible has gone missing while journeying through the Amazon jungle. Hidden Expedition: Amazon drops you right into object hunting from the start and the story gradually unfolds as you play. Hidden Expedition: Amazon has extraordinarily high production values, interesting gameplay that tweaks the familiar formula in very subtle ways, and plenty of crowded scenes to scrutinize. Ready to scratch your hidden object itch? Hidden Expedition: Amazon has arrived! Along with the Mystery Case Files series, the Hidden Expedition games are some of the best-known titles in the hidden object genre.